Thursday, February 4, 2010

Divorce Sucks?? No way!!

Recently I picked up and read a book titled, "Divorce Sucks". It is written by a Canadian girl, and although she is very accomplished in her own right, you may not know her name. You may not know her ex-husband’s name, but you probably know the “other woman”. Her name is Tori Spelling. The author’s name is Mary Jo Eustace.

Do you know the name Gayle Haggard? She wrote a book titled, “Why I Stayed”, she is married to former evangelical leader Ted Haggard. While living life as a preacher, he was also having homosexual relations.

Do you know the name Elizabeth Edwards? She wrote a book titled, “Resilience”.

Jenny Sanford? “Staying True”.

All these women thought they had happy marriages, they had visions, just like you and me, about standing by your man. Standing in the shadows, being the supportive wife, helping HIM reach for HIS stars.

When it doesn’t quite turn out the way you were expecting, you are entitled to have your pity party…..for a while.

Time’s up! Let’s turn this into a positive. Start to look around at all the good things that surround you. Start to think about how you can take this situation and develop a plan to get yourself out of the funk that divorce can try to be. Think of it as a freedom, think of it as being given the opportunity to try something new!

Get out a notebook and start listing off good things in your life. Then make a list of things that you would life to try.

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